







Home Page



1 Preamble

2 Name

3 Members: 3.3 Code of Conduct

4 Definitions

5 Basis

6 Aims

7 Principles

8 Objectives

9 Functions

10 Powers

Meetings 11.1 (Annual) Open Meetings

11.2 Extraordinary Meetings

11.5 Quorum

11.6 Chairperson

2 Center Collective meetings

13 Duties, Functions and Powers

14 Members with Candidates

15 Portfolios

15.1 Publicity Spokesperson

15.2 Cultural Steward

15.3 Liaison Envoy

15.4 Media Manager

15.5 Administrator

15.6 Co-ordinator

15.7 Treasurer

16 Working Groups 17 Treasury

17.7 Finance

17.8 Administration

17.9 Procedure in regard to grants

18 Selection Committee

19 Selection 19.3 Elections

19.5 Nominations

19.6 Voting

20 Resolutions and Policy

21 Changes in Constitution

22 Appendix


Technological advances in agriculture, industry, and the military were supposed to bring freedom from want and disease. But the cost is pollution, loss of non-renewable resources, indigenous skills and bio-diversity. In short a reversal of evolutionary advancement, a disaster on a geological time scale. This failure of technocracy is a challenge to our usual anthropocentric views.


This participatory collective is called eThekwini Ecopeace. Its slogan is; Buhlakuleni uBhuthi Yitshaleni iMithi; Green Awareness Initiative Alliance.



3.1 Is not compulsory. Does not require the charge of a membership fee. Is unlimited, open to all, no restriction contrary to participatory democratic principles may be imposed.

3.2 Does require a signed commitment to respect this constitution, to promote its principles and policies and honor the following:


3.3.1 Be familiar with this constitution and policies, and have a thorough understanding of our principles.

3.3.2 Care for and promote the rights concerning all beings, species, ecosystems, and natural materials.

3.3.3 Assist in moulding eThekwini Ecopeace as a deep and profoundly green eco-centric organisation.

3.3.4 Assist in; the protection and rehabilitation of our indigenous environment, advocating appropriate technologies, and in the developing a bio-centric economy within an ethical paradigm.

3.3.5 Support the principles and practice of participatory democracy, non-heterosexism, non-homophobia, non-sexism and non-racism. Condemn and reject any and all forms of elitism and specism. Encourage contact and understanding between people of different cultures and beliefs to promote community and personal empowerment.

3.3.6 Encourage the exercise of the freedoms of thought, speech and action to oppose prejudice, discrimination, oppression, violence, intimidation and militant action. Oppose force, coercion, threats, exclusion, inequality, censorship and other forms of suppression, repression and dehumanising processes. And balance those negative aspects with the expressions of insights into their neutralisation.

3.3.7 Give due regard to all political parties and have an understanding of their aims and functions.


Unless inconsistent with the text

4.1 Accountability is the democratic right, privilege and power to ensure that no decisions are made on anyone’s behalf which in any way infringe upon any of their human rights, do not compromise their dignity and are made with their express consent.

4.2 Candidate means a volunteer or democratically selected Ecopeace activist who takes part in regional, provincial or national elections.

4.3 Democracy is a process of empowerment which ensures equality and freedom in decision making, which must be explored without inhibition by all of those involved. Participatory Democracy requires the highest regard for individual responsibility and commitment, as compared to Representative Democracy which can marginalise groups and undermine personal decision making.

4.4 Empowerment means individual control over decisions affecting one’s life without denying any participatory democratic process.

4.5 Environmentalism sees nature as important and tries to conserve it, Green Awareness goes further.

4.6 Green is a holistic approach, and recognises the need for people to have this attitude in changing the political structures necessary for the preservation of our ecology.

4.7 Heterosexism is the view that heterosexuality is the `norm' for all social/sexual relationships, imposed through homophobia.

4.8 Homophobia is the hatred or irrational fear of, and/or prejudice against homosexuals.

4.9 Non-heterosexism means the removal of discrimination and domination based on heterosexism and the development of a culture in which human relationships are not purely defined by heterosexual values and sexual orientation.

4.10 Pro-active means specific actions to heal damage, hurt and suffering of environments and their inhabitants.

4.11 Specism is the view or actions which imply that humans are superior or can survive in a viable biosphere without due regard to the rights of other beings and species, and their environments.

4.12 Quorum is the minimum number that must be present in a meeting to make its transactions valid.


This constitution seeks to describe the aims and aspirations of its constituents, and by their authority, create a body to advance and protect those aspirations, as and when they need. This constitution makes incumbent upon elected members of this body, certain duties and responsibilities and vests in them the following democratic rights, for the better fulfillment of the aspirations of its constituents.


This constitution embodies the intentions for:

6.1 An open participatory governmental system responsive to all beings, species, ecosystems, and natural materials.

6.2 Redress of societal, economic, political, environmental and personal injustices.

6.3 A non-specist, non-sexist, non-sectarian, pro-active, sentient rights based, inclusive culture.

6.4 An ecology conducive to the health, wealth and well-being of this and future generations.

6.5 Sustainable societal development with all being equal partners in progress.


We commit ourselves to the actions necessary to create a society based on the following.

We assert the right of every person to:

7.1 Participate in a democratic system of governance.

7.2 Free speech, freedom from censorship, access to information, freedom of association and political activity co-dependant on the right of every person to be protected from harm.

7.3 Adequate and suitable health care, a safe vital environment and quality of life.

7.4 An education with sensitivity for people culture and nature, relevant to South Africa, accessible and open to all, free from any ideological bias or imposition from the state or any other group.

7.5 Freedom from prejudice due to age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, language, culture, personal beliefs, predilections, conscience, attire, appearance, economic status, intellectual or physical ability.


8.1 To campaign for an environment conducive to the intellectual, physical and spiritual development of Ecopeace members and the public.

8.2 To promote good relations between members and the public.

8.3 To advance the ethical standing of eThekwini Ecopeace, that Ecopeace members be treated with respect and dignity, and participate in decisions concerning their lives.

8.4 To promote concern for all beings, species, ecosystems, and natural materials in the interest of a just and fair society free of abuse, exploitation and discrimination.

8.5 To confront economic, social, political and environmental inequities in our society.

8.6 To build and strengthen eThekwini Ecopeace.

8.7 To initiate awareness of Green issues, indigenous cultures, appropriate technologies and healing arts.

8.8 To cooperate with any individual(s) or group(s) to further the above clauses.


The functions of eThekwini Ecopeace shall be:

9.1 To campaign for any beings, species, ecosystems, or natural materials, in any manner appropriate.

9.2 To promote a holistic view of the inter-relationship of all beings, species and natural materials.

9.3 To initiate and provide democratic, effective and positive leadership.

9.4 To participate and have an appropriately substantive say in committees which make decisions impacting on Ecopeace members.

9.5 To ensure that participatory democratic principles and practises are pursued within eThewini Ecopeace. And to campaign for the same participatory principles and practices to be pursued in society generally.

9.6 To monitor the Selection of Centre Members and Candidates.

9.7 To be a facilitating body in matters pertaining to meetings, collections, petitions and protests organised by Ecopeace members.

9.8 To inform Ecopeace members of the activities of eThekwini Ecopeace.

9.9 To deliver regular progress reports to eThekwini Ecopeace members.


The powers of eThekwini Ecopeace shall be:

10.1 To be the body to which all Ecopeace members and committees shall be accountable, and to have the right to exercise jurisdiction or withdraw membership in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.

10.2 To control the use of the name, slogans and symbols of eThekwini Ecopeace.

10.3 To assess reports and functioning of committees and members, and make any changes as and when required.

10.4 To administer the money for use by Ecopeace members as herein provided.

10.5 To take the actions necessary to advance the aims, objectives and policies of this constitution.

10.6 To appoint any special commission for the purpose of investigating and reporting on any matter connected with the work of eThekwini Ecopeace.



11.1 (Annual) Open Meetings

11.1.1 There may be one or more Open Meetings held each year for the purpose of a Report on Finance, a report on progress with regard to the Programme of Action, and Selection of Centre Collective Members and/or Candidates.

11.1.2 Centre Collective shall convene Open Meetings. Any report or motion to such Meetings must be given to the Administrator to be put on display, together with a copy of the agenda, before the Meeting.

11.1.3 Public notice of Open Meetings must be given at least seven (7) days before the Open Meeting.

11.1.4 Anyone in attendance may vote at an Open Meeting.


11.2 Extraordinary Meetings

11.2.1 Centre Collective shall convene an Extraordinary Meeting when it is petitioned to do so by any Ecopeace members provided that the petition contains a statement of the matter to be discussed. This petition is to be put on display before the Extraordinary Meeting.

11.2.3 Notice of Extraordinary Meetings must be given to all Ecopeace members at least seven (7) days before the start of the Meeting.

11.2.4 Only Ecopeace members may vote at an Extraordinary Meeting.

11.3 The minutes of any Open or Extraordinary Meeting shall be displayed at the following Center Collective, Open and Extraordinary Meetings.

11.4 A referendum shall be held upon the resolution of

Center Collective,

an Extraordinary Meeting, or

an Open Meeting calling for such action.

11.5 Quorum

The quorum of any Open or Extraordinary Meeting consists of 50% of the total number of Ecopeace members less any who gave apologies. If a quorum is not obtained within 30 minutes it shall be announced that there is no quorum. That Meeting shall then recommence within one month without the requirement of a quorum. Anyone who is absent from both the initial and reconvened Meetings without apologies shall lose their Ecopeace membership.



11.6 Chairperson

It is necessary that participants conduct themselves in a responsible democratic manner thus minimising the role of a chairperson. Nevertheless a chairperson may be elected by any Meeting.



12.1 Center Collective shall convene regular Center Collective meetings as required.

12.2 A Centre Collective meeting shall always be convened on request of any Ecopeace member.

12.3 No less than half (1/2) of the Centre Members and Candidates shall form a quorum provided that such quorum shall consist of not less than three (3) Centre Members or Candidates. In the event of there not being a quorum at a Centre Collective meeting, Centre Collective shall stand adjourned and shall reassemble within ten (10) days. The Ecopeace members then present shall form a quorum.

12.4 Any Ecopeace members may attend Centre Collective meetings, take part in any discussion and be permitted to vote. All questions shall be decided by consensus or failing that, by the majority of Ecopeace members present and voting.

12.5 Centre Collective minutes shall be displayed at the following Centre Collective meetings.

12.6 At Centre Collective's conclusion in its term of office Centre Collective shall adjourn until the minutes of that Centre meeting have been written up; immediately upon restarting the minutes shall be put to Centre Collective and on their confirmation the Centre Collective meeting shall be closed.


The powers, duties and functions of Centre Collective.

It is incumbent upon and the responsibility of Centre Members and Candidates to:

13.1 Implement policy without prejudice.

13.2 Be accountable as noted in this constitution i.e. Centre Collective is accountable to eThekwini Ecoparty as a whole, as are individual Centre Members.

13.3 Help other Ecopeace members and treat all Ecopeace members equally and fairly, and deal with any opinions, complaints or grievances brought to their attention.

13.4 Not use their position to pursue their own gains or further the private interests of their friends. Not use their position to give any advantage to any other organisation to which they belong or favour.

13.5 Not give official statements on behalf of eThekwini Ecopeace without their prior consent.

13.6 Not "represent" eThekwini Ecopeace in any formal manner.

13.7 Use their initiative to fulfil their portfolios to the best of their ability.

13.8 Devote as much time and effort as necessary to deal properly with eThekwini Ecopeace matters.

13.9 Attend Centre Collective meetings regularly, assist in matters relating to internal administration and assist in the drawing up of resolutions on political issues.

13.10 Participate in various committees relevant to their portfolio, in dealings with the public, national organisations, other parties and the government.

13.11 Take appropriate action at their own instance on any matter which may arise which, in their opinion, falls within the scope of eThekwini Ecopeace as defined in this constitution and policy.

13.12 Take up gender issues, ensure non-sexist practices, and promote nurturing and compassionate alternatives to the prevalent patriarchy.


Centre Collective consists of volunteer Ecopeace members and Candidates, unless the Centre Collective decides to have Selection of its members and/or Candidates.

14.1 Centre Collective is expected to function collectively and no hierarchy is implied by the use of portfolios or by the order in which they are listed. New portfolios may be proposed if essential.

14.2 Portfolios may be filled after each Selection. There shall be no compulsion to fill any portfolio.

14.5 Centre Collective may provide for the following portfolios:

Liaison Envoy

Culture Steward

Media Manager

Publicity Spokesperson




14.6 The duties of any unfilled portfolio will be carried out by the remaining Centre Members.

14.7 The scope of each portfolio should be developed in a responsible and accountable manner to the fullest extent of the abilities of each particular portfolio holder.

14.8 The following portfolio definitions are a mandate for the portfolio holder concerned.



15.1 Cultural Steward

Powers, duties and functions of the Steward:

Liaise with youth, cultural, green, environmental, art, educational, sport, community, political and other organisations to help arrange events. Keep eThekwini Ecopeace aware of education initiatives in institutions, and in the field of national education.



15.2 Liaison Envoy

Powers, duties and functions of the Envoy:

15.2.1 Facilitate communication between Ecopeace members and similar supporters in other communities.

15.2.2 Facilitate communication between Centre Collective, and; other community bodies; committees which make decisions impacting on environments, ecologies or relevant research; and other organisations as the need arises.

15.2.3 To bring to the notice of Centre Collective any matters raised at national or provincial gatherings which are relevant to Ecopeace members.


15.3 Publicity Spokesperson

The powers, duties and functions of the Spokesperson:

15.3.1 Promote eThekwini Ecopeace locally, nationally and internationally.

15.3.2 Assist in campaigns, meetings, workshops, seminars, activities and protests.

15.3.3 Liaise with the press to obtain coverage of eThekwini Ecopeace activities.

15.3.4 Issue press statements for or on behalf of eThekwini Ecopeace after consultation with Centre Collective. Copies of such statements shall be issued to all Centre Members and Candidates.


15.4 Media Manager

Powers, duties and functions of the Manager:

15.4.1 To publicise Ecopeace activities and services via posters, handbills, newsletters, electronic media and any other means appropriate.

15.4.2 To publish a newsletter from material supplied by Ecopeace members, and provide a news service and forum for debate for the community.

15.4.3 To produce a publication containing all the nominees' manifestos, and details of voting.

15.4.4 To advise and assist with media skills training and to produce media for and on behalf of eThekwini Ecopeace.


15.5 Administrator

Powers, duties and functions of the Administrator:

15.5.1 Deal with all matters relating to internal administration, supervise offices and ensure the running of facilities and resources, maintain and upgrade equipment.

15.5.2 Conduct routine correspondence and to keep in safe custody copies of all letters written by Centre Members and Candidates in their official capacities.

15.5.3 Compile, in consultation with Centre Collective, the schedule and agenda of Centre, Open and Extraordinary Meetings and display them together with other relevant documents at the relevant meetings. S/he shall, not less than two days before Centre meetings, invite all Ecopeace members who may wish to attend.

15.5.4 Send a copy of the confirmed minutes of all Centre and other meetings to the Green Party of South Africa. The Administrator shall receive and display the minutes of the Green Party of South Africa.

15.5.5 List and circulate mandates.


15.6 Co-ordinator

Powers, duties and functions of the Co-ordinator:

15.6.1 To review this constitution, and amendments thereto, and ensure that these accord with policy and principles.

15.6.2 To ensure that copies of the constitution and policy documents are maintained and kept up to date and copies are made available to Ecopeace members.

15.6.3 Promote cohesion, unity and coherence in Centre Collective; between Ecopeace members; and in the community. And when necessary to make provision for counselling to the parties concerned.

15.6.4 To formulate procedures for the smooth running of eThekwini Ecopeace; an efficient decision making process, that allows for full discussion and deliberation, and the participation of any Ecopeace member.


15.7 Treasurer

15.7.1 The Treasurer's duties, powers and functions shall be in accordance with the Finance Policy and this constitution.

15.7.2 The Treasurer shall make disbursements and pay all accounts as certified and requested by Treasury.

15.7.3 The Treasurer shall ensure that Centre Collective knows, understands and abides by the Finance Policy.


Working groups shall be open to Ecopeace members with no financial or other restriction, besides those specified below.

16.1 There shall be the following Working groups:

Public Media Committee

Selection Committee


16.2 Woking groups are accountable and must submit annual reports.



Treasury's duties, powers and functions shall be in accordance with the Finance Policy and this constitution, and shall include the following:

17.1 To assist the Treasurer in her/is duties.

17.2 To formulate and propose amendments to Finance policy.

17.3 To administer finances

17.4 Treasury shall consist of


Media Manager and


17.5 Control of all monies shall rest with Treasury on behalf of Centre Collective. Treasury shall be the custodians of all monies allocated and shall receive and account for all monies received.

17.6 Treasury duty shall be to consider financial policy and to advise on the allocation of funds of whatever kind.


17.7 Finance

Fundraising must be in accord with Policy, i.e. not giving any donor greater influence than any individual Ecopeace member. The auditors of the accounts shall make their work know to any Ecopeace member.



17.8 Administration

17.8.1 The Financial Year shall be from 1 April to 31 March annually.

17.8.2 The Treasurer shall present to Centre Collective for acceptance an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet (subject to audit) as soon as possible after the close of the financial year. These accounts shall be published at least ten (10) days before an Open Meeting. The Treasurer shall be present at the above mentioned Centre meeting and Open Meeting to answer any queries.

17.9 Procedure in regard to grants

17.9.1 The Treasurer shall draft, not later than the 31st May each year, for Centre Collective a final and comprehensive budget for the ensuing 12 months, which shall include a statement of its probable Income and Expenditure for that period, which statement shall include details of each item budgeted for by the Treasurer and showing also any items of Capital Expenditure.

17.9.2 Treasury shall consider such budget and prepare a comprehensive budget for the current year, allocating certain sums of money, which the Treasurer shall submit to Centre Collective for consideration as soon as possible. Included in the budget shall be those sums of money allocated to administrative functions of Centre Collective.

The Treasurer shall prepare in support of this budget a statement showing:

17.9.3 The expenditure under each of the heads referred to in 17.9.1 above in the year preceding the year for which the budget is to serve.

17.9.4 Recommendations on the economic viability of the intended expenditure and\or income expected in respect of each of these items, and the amount s/he recommends be granted in respect of each of these items.

17.9.5 Centre Collective may subsequently grant any sum or portion of any sum in excess of its original budget, and may deduct sums from the budget with Open or Extraordinary Meeting approval.

17.9.6 Centre Collective shall under no circumstances whatever, consider any application for a grant, or for sanction of expenditure, where it appears that the returns required have not been duly submitted. However in terms of Section 17.9.2 above, Centre Collective may consider an application after 31 May in each year, or for good reasons for not submitting the required returns, for grants, and make such grants as they think fit for the ensuing period of the financial year.


18.3.1 No member of the Committee may be a nominee.

18.3.2 No member of the Selection Committee may by any act or omission, other than legitimate voting, attempt to influence the outcome of a selection and may not propose any nomination.

18.3.3 The powers, duties and functions of the Committee shall be to administer any Selection of Centre Collective Members or Candidates in accordance with this constitution and policy.

18.3.4 The Selection Committee shall display media giving the names of all nominees and their manifestos.


Centre Collective Membership and Candidate status is voluntary unless the Centre Collective decides upon Selection, whereupon the position of a Centre Member or Candidate shall become vacant if:

19.1 S/he submits a written resignation.

19.2 S/he is absent from three (3) consecutive Centre meetings without apologies.

19.3 Centre Collective passes a motion of no confidence in her/im, on the grounds that s/he was unwilling to or incapable of fulfilling her/is duties. An Open or Extraordinary Meeting must confirm or revoke this decision.

19.4 Elections

19.4.1 The elections to fill vacant positions shall be in Open Meetings.

19.4.2 Selected Centre Collective Members shall have a one year term of office, Candidates shall have an indefinite term of office.

19.4.3 If the number of Centre Members and Candidates falls below three (3), Selections must be called.

19.5 Nominations

19.5.1 The name of the nominees for Selection shall be displayed to Ecopeace members.

19.5.3 Any Ecopeace member may be nominated except members of the Selection Committee.

19.5.4 Any objections to any nomination may be considered as a veto. This can be confirmed by a majority decision e.g. indicated by a show of hands.

19.5.5 If only three (3) or less members are nominated, the Committee shall declare Centre Collective Selected. The duties, rights and functions of Centre Collective shall be continued by participant Ecopeace members on a volunteer basis.


19.6 Voting

19.6.1 The Selection Committee shall stipulate the times, places and methods of voting.

19.6.2 The counting of votes shall take place immediately and the Committee shall display the results of the selections immediately thereafter.

19.6.3 The newly selected Centre Collective shall have its first meeting within ten (10) days of its selection.

19.6.4 Voting by proxy is not allowed.

19.6.5 No nominee shall act as scrutineer.

19.6.6 Any objections must be lodged with the Selection Committee within two (2) days of the closing of the poll. The Selection Committee shall then consider any objection, and in the event of such objection being upheld, shall hold re-elections in the same manner as herein before provided.

19.6.7 Selected nominees shall be declared Centre Members or Candidates by the Selection Committee immediately.

19.7 The previous Centre Collective shall ensure with the newly selected Centre Collective that transition occurs smoothly.


Shall be afforded equal status to this constitution and are to be published in a comprehensive form together with the Conduct of Meetings and Program of Action as an appendix to supplement this constitution. They must have a majority vote for acceptance, change or rescission, coming into effect after confirmation.



21.1 This constitution may be changed

21.1.1 by a majority vote at an Open or Extraordinary Meeting, being effective when confirmed at a Centre, Open or Extraordinary Meeting.

21.1.2 by a majority of Centre Members present and voting at Centre meeting, being effective when confirmed by an Open or Extraordinary Meeting.

21.2 Notice of a proposed change of this constitution must be given with the notice calling the relevant Meeting, at least ten (10) days before the time fixed for the relevant Meeting.

21.3 In the event of a dispute as to the meaning or interpretation of any clause, section, amendment, work or words in this constitution, the decision of eThekwini Ecopeace shall be conclusive as to that meaning or interpretation.

eThekwini ECOPEACE Meetings

This may be amended in accordance with eThekweni Ecopeace constitution. All Meetings to be conducted as set out below, emphasising participatory democracy, finding holistic solutions with full discussion, avoiding patriarchal control of debate. In cases not provided, the Meeting shall form consensus.

Accept the Agenda to start a Meeting.


All motions must be tabled.

1.2 Discussion of an accepted motion shall be reopened, after acceptance of a motion to reopen discussion.

1.3 When a motion has been accepted, a motion of rescission or a motion amending it shall be tabled after a motion to reopen discussion has been accepted as in 1.2.

1.4 A motion rejected, withdrawn or lapsed may be proposed again after a motion to reopen discussion has been accepted as in 1.2. Previous discussion should not be repeated.


2.1 All amendment must be tabled.

2.2 A motion may be amended by; removing words, inserting words, removing certain words and substituting other words, by adding words, removing all the words and substituting other words dealing with the same subject.

2.3 Proposed amendments may also be amended, in the same manner as a motion.

2.4 Propose the order amendments shall be put to the vote. Deal with all amendments before voting on the motion.

2.5 An amendment which has been accepted or rejected may again be tabled after permission by a majority.

2.6 When any amendments have been accepted, the amended motion is put to the vote.

2.7 When all amendments have been rejected, the original motion is put to the vote.


Reports shall be drawn up as a recounting of events and explanations of events, and all recommendations and opinions should be appended separately. When a report is to be given, then it shall be proposed "that the report is tabled". The report shall then be open to discussion provided that:

No amendments shall be made in the text of the report.

Only such portions of the report which do not fall under another heading on the agenda shall be discussed.

When a report contains recommendations, such recommendations shall be voted on.


3.1 A member may speak in turn to a motion or amendment or a report or upon a question of order arising in the debate. Questions may be asked and information given in respect of any matter relevant to the meeting. No other discussion or distraction should occur.

3.2 The proposer of a motion should introduce the motion and reply to the debate thereon. After her/is reply no other member should speak to the motion.

3.3 Any member should speak for no more than a total of five minutes on any motion or amendment.

3.4 No member should speak to a motion or amendment after it has been put to the vote.

3.5 "Equalisation of debate" may be proposed and put to the vote immediately, without debate. If accepted each speaker is listed as for or against the motion or amendment then tabled. Each alternatively in favour or against the motion or amendement speaks. If the next speaker is of the same opinion as the previous, they can lose their right to speak to a speaker of the opposite view. Should no such speaker be found, debate

will then be closed. A speaker in favour of abstention shall be regarded as against the motion.

3.6 Summaries of speeches made in debate should be minuted.

3.7 Any question of order that may arise in debate shall at once be dealt with by the meeting.

3.8 The meeting must maintain debate and should rule out of order any matter not pertaining to the meeting. A member may by motion, object to any ruling by the meeting.

3.9 A member may at any stage of the debate, except when an amendment is tabled (but after an amendment has been voted on, and the original or amended motion is tabled for a final vote), propose "the motion be withdrawn". Such withdrawal may be debated immediately, and no further amendment to the original motion will then be tabled. When after such debate the withdraw is voted on;

if the withdrawal is accepted, then the original motion is withdrawn without a vote being taken on it,

if the withdraw is rejected, then the original or amended motion is immediately put to the vote without further discussion or amendment.

3.10 A debate may be superseded by:

A motion, "that the Meeting does now close"

A member calling attention that a quorum is not present

A motion agreed to that "the Meeting debates the item at another time"

A motion of no confidence in the Meeting.

3.11 A member may at any stage of the debate propose "closure" which may voted without discussion.



A member who wilfully disturbs orderly conduct may be asked by the Meeting to leave and/or offer a satisfactory apology. Any breach of harmony should be dealt with by the Meeting.


Accurate minutes kept of every Meeting shall contain:

4.1 The names of the members in attendance

4.2 The text of every motion tabled with the name of the proposer, and a full statement of the voting figures.

4.3 If requested by a member, note that s/he voted for, against, or abstained from voting and her/is reasons.

4.4 Any decisions made at the discretion of the Meeting.

4.5 Explanations of procedure when necessary for clarity.


Motions upon which there is an equal vote consequently fall away.


Any person present who has a right to take part.